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Guides & Walkthroughs

 Key binds


"I" - Opens inventory.
RIGHT CLICK - Use/give/drop items in inventory.
RIGHT CLICK on money - Give or drop it.
"T" - Opens chat console, ready for '/' commands.
"G" - Interact in various menus.
"/rc" - Reloads your character.
F6 - Emote wheel: scenarios, emotes, actions, and more.
"Z"  - Ragdoll.
"X" - Hands up.
"L" - Point.
"Left ALT "- Shows player ID (Train Ticket).
"Left ALT/middlemouse "- Interact with compatible chairs/benches and Beds
"H" - Whistle for horse.
"E" - Mount or dismount horse.
"/hud "- Turns HUD on or off.
"/hudmenu " this is to change all of the UI for health stamina and all icons shown
"/hideUi " - Hides Minimap
" J " - Changes voice range (Full circle is shouting).
"ctrl" - Crouch
''B'' - Prone
"/me" - Type out an action, e.g.: /me takes off coat.
"/scene then /scene:place" - Type a lasting message can be used for stores and RP.
" Page up " - This will be used to Edit Scenes
  "/Status "- To show an emotion or look. e.g: /Status Arm in Sling
  "/Report "- To make a report to staff while in game
"/Combat " - To see if a player has combat logged


IC Terms

 Headache = Experiencing lag or sudden crash.
Take a nap = Logging out with intention of coming back.
Go to sleep/bed = Logging out without planning to return.
Wash your face = Reloads your character.
Something in your ear = TeamSpeak hearing issue.
Something in your throat = TeamSpeak voice issue.
Storm is coming = Server restart.
Lucky Number = Player I.D
Newspaper = Discord (use sparingly for in-character communication).
Ask Government = Make a ticket.
Send/received a pigeon = Discord messages (use infrequently).
Send telegram = Sending a letter IC at the post office
The County = Imperium Roleplay Server.
Fresh off the Boat/Train = New to the server.
Long line for the boat/train = Long login queue.
Captured a memory = Take a picture/screenshot or clip.
Think = Press 't', then '/', then type command.
Brain = Settings or issues going on with your pc
Flex/Muscles = Commands, e.g.: Flex your 'L' muscle.
Take a sketch = mainly used for law to collect evidence
Slip it into your/my pocket = Sending something through discord to be seen (keep this apart of RP)

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